Friday, December 17, 2010

Fwd: 阻止繁殖場的虐待!!! 宣導與教育活動 Stop Abuse in Puppy Mills

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Connie Chiang <>
Date: 2010/12/17
Subject: 阻止繁殖場的虐待!!! 宣導與教育活動 Stop Abuse in Puppy Mills
To: Annie Chiang <>

這個活動主辦人 ﹕黃泰山 與 網友們有三個訴求:


22號當天黃泰山要以行動抗議繁殖場的虐待行為﹐ 他要把自己關進籠子裡面﹐餓4天﹐ 來顯示繁殖場裡面的動物他們所經歷的苦難。

幾乎所有合法的繁殖場都不合格﹐ 也有許多非法繁殖場..希望民眾以領養代替購買﹐這樣才

大家一定要來現場為黃先生打氣加油﹐ 如果你在乎動物﹐ 請加入我們一起為動物發聲﹐希望政府可以控管繁殖場﹐希望大家可以告訴大家﹐不要在讓動物們為人類的利益而受苦

如果要參與12/22 與12/23號的媒體記者會請與本協會聯絡﹐ 希望大家都來發聲!

Organized by Huang Tai-Shan and individual animal lovers online, this event has 3 main goals:

1) To promote adoption
2) Push the government to adopt stricter management standards for Breeders
3) Completely bann the existence of illegal/un licensed puppy mills

To protest the cruel and inhumane operations of local breeders, Tai Shan will lock himself in a cage and go on a hunger strike for 4 days to emulate the torture and horrible conditions that animals are put through in puppy mills.

In Taiwan, there are about 1000 licensed breeders however most of them do not pass the standards guidelines set by local government, and not much is being done to force them to improve the quality of living and environment for their animals. Thousands more family-style breeding and illegal puppy mills are present in the whole country.

This event hopes to bring awareness to the fact that animals bred for profit are suffering and government needs to see that the public wants change. We hope to urge more people to adopt than to buy from pet stores.

Please come and support Huang Tai Shan and be a voice for the animals living lives of torture in puppy mills and being used as money making tools.

The event will be from 12/22-12/25 at Shilin MRT station. We will be there on the 22nd and 23rd at 10:00 am for media press conference.


Connie Chiang

Co-Founder, Campaigns Director 創辦人﹐ 宣導總監 
Cellphone 手機: +886 (0)953 850 303