Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fwd: Live video of action underway in tar sands

A second Greenpeace action is underway in the tar sands.

Greenpeace activists have entered an upgrader facility in the tar sands of northern, Alberta - they have shut down a conveyor belt in the open pit mine and have deployed a giant floating banner on the river running alongside, reading: 'Dying for climate leadership'. Previously our activists shut down operations at Shell's Albian mine during a 33-hour long occupation.

We need your help in spreading their message - 'Tar sands - climate crime'. Our activists are taking action in the tar sands today because the world is in desperate need of global leadership on climate change - and the tar sands are a perfect example of just how lacking we are in real leadership. The tar sands are a source of dirty oil that is highly energy intensive to extract, creating 3-5 times more emissions than conventional oil. It is a global climate crime - yet is still a little known issue (more information here). Here is Jens - one of the activists in charge of maintaining our live video stream- shooting live from the conveyor belt:

Choose to load or display images at the top of the e-mail. You have to see this

We need your support today, we want to spread this message and the images of destruction from the tar sands as far as possible. Our Twitter tag is #stoptarsands - stumble-upon us here, and please tag your posts with 'greenpeacebuzz'.


Laura Kenyon
Online Marketing and Promotions Specialist
@ Greenpeace International
Twitter @Greenpeace
Facebook: Greenpeace International Page
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